Three tips for strengthening pectorals--HOS fitness Olympic Flat Bench

     |      2022-07-11 14:30:47

Tip 1: Make sure you're in the right position on the chair

The most important thing to do this is to get your arms and back in the right position. During this exercise, you need to sink your shoulders and tighten your shoulder blades, which will generate more power in the lower pectorals.

How to tighten the shoulder blades?

It is mainly the shoulder sinking, the chest naturally stands, the back allows a certain bow, the back and arch and bench space is about a palm of the hand, the chest is upright, the shoulder backward.


Tip2: do the correct steps of bench press



Lie on your back on a bench with your hips touching the surface of the bench and your feet flat on the floor. Grasp the pattern on each side of the barbell, with both hands equally apart from each other. For most friends, hold the barbell with your forehands more than shoulder-width apart.

Take a deep breath in, chest up, shoulder blades in, flat against the bench.


With the foot firmly planted on the floor, squeeze the gluteus maximus, tighten and stabilize the hips. This exercise exercises the entire pectoralis major pectoralis minor deltoid anterior serratus and coracobrachialis.

Step 4: 

Lift with inhalation (or with the help of your partner). Keeping your body as tight as possible, place weight on your pectoral muscles under control.


Make sure your wrists and elbows are in a straight line. This will give you the best leverage and keep your center of gravity stable.


Do not let the chest muscles relax and lose tension, coordinate the leg force, forcefully push the barbell back to the starting position and lock, arm straight, at the end of the movement to exhale

Tip 3: Different grip distance and Angle also have different training effect

Change the grip distance of both hands can exercise different parts of the muscle: 

A narrow grip strengthens the inner side of the pectoralis major. 

A wide grip strengthens the lateral side of the pectoralis major.

Vary the Angle at  which you hold the barbell to work different parts of your muscles:

Lower the barbell to the lower chest, focus on the lower pectoralis major. 

Lower the barbell to the middle chest, focus on the middle pectoralis major. 

Lower the barbell to the upper chest, focus on the upper pectoralis major.

In addition, pay attention to the following points to reduce the chance of injury

01If possible, find a partner  to help you do this  to reduce the risk;


02 Make sure your gestures are correct, tighten your body and keep your feet firmly on the ground;


03 More important than face, choose proper weight training;


04 Centrifugal process is more important than centripetal process, fall should be slow;


05 Warm up before training to reduce the chance of injury and muscle soreness.